contoh kalimat berlipat empat
- It's reading a quadruple failure.
Membaca itu berlipat empat kegagalan. - You just quadrupled your investment!
Investasi akan berlipat empat kali. - During his tenure as CEO of Expedia, "the gross value of its hotel and other travel bookings more than quadrupled and its pre-tax earnings more than doubled."
Menurut The Economist, pada masa kepemimpinannya, "nilai kotor pemesanan hotel dan moda perjalanan lainnya berlipat empat dan laba sebelum dipotong pajaknya berlipat ganda." - Venture capital investment has quadrupled in Latin America over the past two years and is expected to continue to grow this year mainly thanks to Japan's SoftBank Group, which launched a $ 5 billion fund in Latin America in March - the largest equity capital deployment. risk of the story.
Investasi modal ventura telah berlipat empat di Amerika Latin selama dua tahun terakhir dan diperkirakan akan terus tumbuh tahun ini terutama berkat SoftBank Group Jepang, yang meluncurkan dana $ 5 miliar di Amerika Latin pada bulan Maret - penyebaran modal ekuitas terbesar. risiko cerita.